In the heart of Umbria

Agriturismo Il Cicaleto is located in the heart of Umbria , in the open countryside. It is a magical place to spend your holidays in maximum relaxation without giving up the comforts of a strategic position to visit the wonders of this region. In fact, you can easily reach all the beauties of the Umbrian valley, also visible from the top of the hill where we are, such as the villages of Assisi and Spello , Monte Subasio , the town of Foligno and the vineyards of Montefalco . You can also discover the other thousand hidden treasures that the Umbrian villages jealously guard.

Assisi & Spello

Among the most famous villages in Umbria there are definitely Assisi and Spello.

In particular Assisi , undoubtedly one of the most visited cities in Umbria, constitutes a splendid medieval setting for what is one of the most important Italian basilicas, the one dedicated to San Francesco . The basilica has always been the destination of countless pilgrimages due to the importance that the saint holds in Italian and Catholic culture as well as being a real architectural spectacle given that it presents itself in the eyes of the visitor majestic and elegant while preserving very valuable frescoes. Do not miss a tour in its characteristic medieval old town.

Also not to be missed is Spello in whose medieval village, full of characteristic alleys and ancient churches, art lovers can delight in observing the precious frescoes by Pinturicchio that adorn the Baglioni Chapel, also known as Cappella Bella. Also noteworthy is the infiorata di Spello , which fills the town with flowers, scents and colors.

Strada del vino – Montefalco

The name of this village, Montefalco, is due to the emperor Frederick II of Swabia who, visiting these places, decided to change the name of the place to the current one, noting the large number of hawks in the area . However today the village is known mostly for the important winemaking tradition given by its most famous indigenous grape variety: that of Sagrantino , whose origins are lost over time. According to some sources it would originate from Asia Minor, and would have been imported by monks upon their return from the Holy Land, for others it would have been present in the area since Roman times, and would be the same grape mentioned by Pliny the Elder. In any case, for years now in the Montefalco area it has been producing a highly appreciated red wine rich in tannins. Certainly it is the most renowned Umbria wine and among the most important Italian wines also thanks to the many wineries that you can visit in the hills around the town.

Perugia e i Borghi Umbri

Perugia is also located near our farmhouse, home to the Umbrian National Gallery and important monuments such as the Fontana Maggiore and the Rocca Paolina as well as Etruscan archaeological sites. Other villages include the medieval and beautiful Gubbio with its Palio dei Ceri ; Orvieto with the splendid Cathedral, Foligno , famous for the Giostra della Quintana and Spoleto with its Albornoziana fortress. A particular mention deserves the Trasimeno lake which with its three islands and the surrounding villages offers naturalistic and landscape views of other times. From the Il Cicaleto farmhouse you can also easily reach Tuscany and the villages of Cortona, Pienza “ideal city” in the Val D ‘ Orcia , the Terme di San Casciano dei Bagni and Montepulciano , a beautiful village famous for its wine production.


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